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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
/// 6:27 PM

this is so lol... but nt bad la..

watch this if you want .. for those who didn't this is not bad la..

Friday, January 25, 2008
/// 11:10 PM

i will never ever forget all of you... all of you will have a place in my heart.... my true friends... for long~ my best friends forever ~
i will be very sad if i have to leave my friends.. especially zhikai, zuokun, tf, raymond, zhanpeng, clarence, ghim... i won't name all.. but this is really heartbreaking.....
everyone who knows me will know how much all these friends of mine meant to me...
they are really ppl who help me through my life... encourage me. guide me... and i really wish to thank them so much...
i feel lonely without them...
with them.. i feel happy.. carefree... and sometimes.. i feel so lucky to be fated to become friends with all of you..
i really appreciate it..
all those memories that we had together.. will always be remembered in my heart...
and i am sure... we can always ... and definitely.. always... be buddies .. in our entire life..
and i will be most willing.. to be friends with you all again.... even in my next life or next.. or next...... for all of you really change my life... thanks alot again.. my friends.. my angels..

Thursday, January 24, 2008
/// 10:03 PM

I AM SO VERY RELIEVED by my o lvl results...

fortunately i was surprised by my o's rather than a shock..

l1r5 9 was not at all wad i have expected...

seriously i am really taken aback when i saw that my geog actually got an a2 .

cause during my o lvls i was crapping all the way .. and i think i have 4 questions that i did not know at all how to do.. and i crap my way through..

and i am so suay also.. i just need one more a1 and i will be up on stage... but "suayly" i got 4a1 and 3 a2... those 3a2 really shatter my dream la..

hmmm now i got something worse that i have to decide... the right jc to enter..

i have decided that i want jc.. cause i wanna enter university.. and therefore.. i believe. i am mature to be making this firm decision..

but here comes another one... my mother wants me to study at acjc.

altho currently i am at pj.. and i kinda like pj for the following few reasons

firstly.. pj seems to be a much comfortable place to be in.. their people are friendly.. and i really felt welcome.. they have very nice teachers and i really enjoy the way they teach.. and during lectures, they make sure that you know the entire lecture in a slow and steady pace..

next.. volleyball.. if i join aj and acjc.. which i should join with my score.. then i will have to end my vball career.. anyway i feel quite sad about it... you know i won't be able to enjoy this game anymore.. and by not playing it for long... my skills will deteoriate like siaoz..

lastly.... zhikai zuokun and tf will all be there... and not being with them.. is really very saddening

i dun wanna be alone.. zzz

so i dunno la.. cause i also wanna study in better schools.. so as to push myself to another level.. that's why i took triple sciences during sec 3.. and i never regret it..at least i tried..

oh ya.. and i think pioneer has alot of activities.. that aims at servicing the community... being a value added school... i also like it very much.

for example.. 3 days be4.. there is this blood donation drive.. where all the pupils in pj go to donate their blood.. altho i dun wanna go donate blood.. cause i got a vball match to play.. i am really touched by wad the school has done for the community.. and even gurmit singh came to our school to donate his blood.. and i think that is really a rare opportunity..

anyway i took a picture of him in school up there, giving us a motivating talk before the o lvls release

and he is very funny la.. lolx.. ok everyone know.. mr phua chu kang k? lol

alright.. i really dunno wad to do.. i think i need to do some analysis and consideration..

but nevertheless i am content.. definitely.. i tried my best.. and i enjoy the harvest..

all of us who work hard for the o lvls..

you did great!..

o lvl's is finally over.. but soon the a level is coming and i am sure that it is a more difficult one..

oh well.. it's time to work hard.. rawr!.. start work liao!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
/// 4:43 PM

oh my.. i am so damn worried about my o lvl right now..
it seems so... time really flies la..
i know everyone definitely wanna get the best result that he or she could... just like me too..
i want a l1r5 lesser than 11 at least..
i am just worried the result will be out of my expectation.. like probably above 13.. then i will seriously.. be very very sad

sorry guys.. i am in really no mood to post up the videos of zuokun doing bad things.. perhaps next time la..

i've seen many people choosing the poly path.. zzz.. i think it doesn't suit me at all la.. currently..
i am not mature enough to make such a big choice now... i shall just follow the safe route cause i dun wanna make the rong course choice and regret...
god just let me get below 11... zzz
i wanna 4h2 de.....

sian la.. emo liao emo liaoz..

also i am also very confuse whether to take bio or physics for h2 subject..
this is seriously a big decision that i have to make..
cause medical course eligibility really prioritise on bio students rather than a physics student..
zzz then physics seems so popular.... in simpler words, it's just Ordinary...
so people would say then choose bio la!..
but you must understand bio isn't as easy as anybody thinks.. cause i requires alot of memory work.. which obviously.. i do not favour..
people will then say, then look at your o lvl results la and see which is better!

oh well.. our jc teacher say using your o lvl score.. which is just a number to decide your future is just a stupid way of living.. and the worst way of decision making.. it must be of your preference... your thought.. and wad you really wanna know and achieve..

i know i know!.. these words make sense.... obviously teacher will say words that only make sense right.. and politically correct conclusion...

that is why it just makes me feel i am so inmature and unable to fixed my future path that i am going to follow to

"people.. i know parents are a major concern.. you do wad they wanna you to do so... but make the right decision.." teachers in pj kept on emphasising on this..

these words just linger in my thoughts..

i feel super indecisive and childish..

Friday, January 18, 2008
/// 11:09 PM

Alright people!!!..
long time no see le ah...
how are all of you?.. still fine?.. lolx.. i hope nobody is stress of work during pae lolx.. that will be kinda stupid i guess... ( like i very smart mehz ... ) lolx

this few days i had been so busy that i had hardly anytime to go online.. and geng bu yong shuo post blog...
haha so i have like so damn much things to tell all of you la..
this post will be so long... zzzz bear with me...

first notice: the CCAs..
needless to say.. tianfong zuokun zhikai and me are in vball la.. -.-
bernard is in tennis.. this is new..
and yousheng in canoeing.. this is not only new but abit.. unbelievable.. at least to me lolx..
edwin lau in student council already.. i think confirm liaoz.. all the best dude.. good luck.. you NEED luck lolx..

second notice: i have got my ipod touch after such a long wait..
basically i just love it because it is very slim and can scroll with your finger... screen touch la..
then can go internet and do wadeva things and watch movie and listen to music and watch youtube..
wah like so shuang la.. lolx..
i've also have my new hp la.. but i think this is a few weeks ago thingy la.. just to tell those who dunno.. =P..
ok enough of actsheh MUAHAHHA LOLX

3rd notice: o'lvl results going to be out!... lolx... i hope it will be surprising.. and not shocking.. lolx..
sometimes even when you are confident of your exams... stress often start to build up a few days before the results is announced.. alright.. just by typing this gives me the jitters..

ok now i shall start the ("lecture proper") lolx.. wad!?..
okok i will start my post properly.. aiya i am lazy to find any other word to use except properly.. bear with my vocab.. i am not clarence who post blog like write essay.. lolx
NO OFFENCE my friend.. NO OFFENCE hahaz

ok la.. these few week are quite tiring already, because lessons start to end later and later.. and i know i has still not reach (dy/dx =0).. AMATHS RAWR! lolx

monday to tuesday is practically study and go home la...
except i have noticed zuokun becoming slacker and slacker...


wa sheh zuokun.. lolx.. but can't help it la..he got nothing to do ma...,,, he like finish ap gp liao la.. before i even started reading how to do them.. (by the way i am already very fast when people are still stucked at partial fractions lolx)

I HATE HIM... he stress me up dude...
oh ya.. he got a new name for himself..
(tan xing).. which means springy la.. in chinese
because of his butt that is so tan xing..
call him lu tan xing.. he will turn back and give you the kaobei look ..
haha try it.. wun hurt right?..

oh ya before i continue.. people rumour that pioneer jc girls wear very very short skirt..
i never heard this before..
and i sincerely believe that.. pioneer girls.. REALLY WEAR SHORT SKIRTS..
so short until if you see them bending down to pick something up.. make sure you go wash your eye with soap or wadeva you can find.. lolx..
wah lao .. seriously.. like.. OMG... i am not tiko pek or something... zhikai is..

oh ya.. and that yousheng seriously... 7 pointer come to study pj.. come here to zhuang shen nong gui.. act sheh la!...
zuokun and i try to tease him by saying he can take 8h2.. subject no problem.. lol..
that guy ah... hai... too LI HAI le... with him and zuokun in my class... i am going to die... DIE DIE die die diee.......
bernard is not mentioned.. cause you know why?.. he scores lower than me.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAZ.. LOL.. just joking la.. hope he doesn't read this.. XPPPP


wednesday is like ordinary wednesday because it is wednesday... what i am saying about wednesday?.. it is just wednesday la?.. ok ok stop this nonsense wednesday, while i bring you to something interesting on this wednesday that i am going to talk about, quite different from other ordinary wednesday.. er.. so WEDNESDAY!!!!!! woosh ... ( ok lame )..
after tutorials and lectures..
instead of going for training... all sportsman are to gather in lecture theatre to listen to a talk..
guess what isit?.. that is only limited to sportsman..

not discipline.. not teamwork.. not some prize giving ceremony.. but?..

can't read the words?.. look below...

what nutrition talk????>..
wah sian...
actually i was expecting something short and sweet and maybe interesting.. or something to discuss on or wadsoeva

talk begins..
everyone was attentive.. ( as usual we were told by our teachers to do so beforehand , so as to impress the guest speaker , doctor lehz.. mai siao siao)

15 mins passed.. people start to fidget
and i seriously tell you it is just like... just like... just like.......... ( i dunno wad to say)..
the nutrition is like from o lvl bio text chapter ( nutrition)..
where it talks about adenosine triphosphate.. lactic acid... vitamins..
oh dear...

30 mins passed people start to talk liao.. the jc teacher, the face black diao liao

1h.. people take our handphone ah.. psp ah... ipod ah... wadeva la... then play and enjoy la.. totally ignoring the speaker liaoz..
noise was as noisy as that of in a market..
teacher's face not only black..
it's like.. a black "du lan' written on her face...
her face really can spread the message around that she is dulan...
du lan du lan du lan...
nobody bothers..

the sport incharge teacher gek until the guests left.. and roar at us..
can't help it.. nutrition is really a boring talk...
ANYONE will say that he or she will plan wad he or she eats for every meal.. and take down all the carbohydrate content... the vitamin content...
that is irrelevant right...

HEY PEOPLE.. i suddenly realise i should not be talking about this nutrition talk.. like nothing one lehz... not something anyone wanna know.. -.- but because i dun wanna delete it after typing so long.. pardon me for this stupid useless nutrition talk post... it lame dao.. -.-

ok i go take a rest first.. i type until my hand feels abit weird...

people dun you think time really flies in jc...
suddenly i realise it is already the third week of jan..
wah lao why so fast..
i dun wan my teenage life to go so early..
hai.. but xi yang wu xian hao.., zi shi jing huang hun...
being a teenage rawks sia.. serious =) better cherish it hor..

ok now let me just skip to friday...
oh friday is suppose to be pt day but we change it to a friendly match with tamasek poly..
anyway friday has been planned already for a post orientation activity call the "pot luck".. people bring their own food and contribute and then eat together for dinner,, seems interesting right.. but how sad.. we have to miss that because of the friendly match lo.. sigh...

we dismissed at 2 and we went to the sanctuary to enjoy ourself once again..
in my last few post i mentioned about the sanctuary room right.. where it is restricted from teachers and only solely for students to go in and enjoy after school..
hahaz.. ok there are still rules la.. inside the sanctuary room.. so cannot luan luan lai la.. abo wad you think lolx...

here are some pictures of the sanctuary room

other student enjoying themselves

still got tv .. and if you wanna watch anime can even borrow from the counter there... and watch in the super shiok air con room sia.. lolx

edwin lau playing psp.. and some student counsellor behind to look after the sanctuary room...
but it's freedom la.. you laugh until sot also can lolx

look at zhikai playing psp so comfortably on the floor..
and the pillow he is resting on is really so (nuan mian mian) hao shu fu wor!..
lol i am exaggerating this... by the way..
so that it sounds like some menstrual pad advertisement LOL>>

we play scrabble.. and bernard came in first.. and i am a second..zuokun 3rd ah edwin lau last..
still remember the scrabble competition t shirt that bernard often wear?.. wah he is really a scrabble competition "substance"..

by the way in this picture if you are observant enough.. you will notice a 3 letter word..
that is an artwork by zuokun.. who obviously is the 3 letter word XPPP

the spot i sat at...

lol and i come across this picture in the sanctuary room.. lolx.. it was so farni that i took it down..
monkey see monkey do.
at first i wan zhikai to post this and then take picture together one lo..
but aiya he strongly refused it..
what to do..
but if you still look closely to the picture..
i think you will feel zhikai's there..
oh.. lolx.. to some zhikai's fans out there.. dun come here and beat me or wadeva la..
but he is really there LOL..

finally 5.30 came and we took bus to tamasek poly..
wa no words to describe them except for the word.. (STRONG!)
cannot deny one la.. they all from st hildas alumni.. and some youth team all... zzzzzz
all thunder like...
wu hua ke shuo..
their jump serve still got curl one... wah.. really is a big challenge
hope to play with them again because this really trains us to become better lo..
so sad i can't get any pictures in the poly..
but i must say it so huge that...... it is so huge lo..
facilities so good.. and the sport hall is similar to the one in cca branch la..
i suddenly feel jc are so inferior..
so wad ?.. i wanna enter U one lehz..
ok i still have a couple of things to post but i will leave it to next time.. and i have some videos of zuokun doing naughty things..
haha but i dun wanna post now la.. or else i will need another break zzzzzzz..
ok that's all for today.. it's 12.29am liao la.. and i am still posting ..zzzzzz..
stay tune for more..
muahahaz.. all the best !..

Friday, January 11, 2008
/// 8:23 PM

WOW friday!, supposingly it was to be a very good day as the coming weekend will mean more slackness and joy
HOWEVER it isn't so..
cause volleyball in pioneer jc has a specific day set for PT.. yes PHYSICAL TRAINING!!! on FRIDAY!!!!!!!
i personally hate pt..
of course i think few would like pt instead of a proper volleyball game..haiz
oh ya edwin lau has quit volleyball altho he has been selected.
he decided to join smth else...

guess wad it is..
i personally cannot believe my ears when he mentioned that.. he wanted to be a student counsellor..

WHAHAHAHAHAHAA laugh go on and laugh.. all of us from bp laughed too..so it's perfectly alright

we must learn to appreciate his daring choice you know..
maybe he will one day be the leader ,who knows..
and today he said something to me that made me wanna feel even more super amused by him,
cause we dun know our lecture is at which room,
so i said let's just follow our class and can reach liao wad..

guess wad he replied,

" sorry i dun follow, i lead."
HAHAHAHAHA go on and laugh somemore..

i know i am bad..
i know i am very bad..but this cannot be help when you already know wad a character edwin is like..


today we had contact time which is wad is familiar to many people..
but in case you dunno contact time is ,
it just simply means form class,and if you still dunno that..
i think you dun deserve to be a bp..
or maybe not even a singapore government student la.
go die suan le

and this is a shot i took without the knowledge of the tcher, the picture of bernard chong. wahahaha =P

ok back to main story, nothing much la..
actually we just had our break then we decided to go to class early,
hahahaa the lesson was actually suppose to be 10.30, and look at us ,the enthu people reached there at wad time>>

sot the right Lol.. and since we had alot of time.. we decided to play the fool and do naughty things in the lecture theatre, while i took down some shots ,hahaz ,the overview of the LT.

and guess who this is
YES you are very right ! ,the usual uzuok who tried to dodge my camera, look into the dark spot into the sleeve part.. (illl, ughz.. lolx)

and look at this, zhikai trying to act as the lecture teacher.. ( from this view , we obviously can tell that he cannot be a teacher.. rather a joker i guess would be much more suitable)

alright then lessons begins.. and fortunately zhikai doings were not discovered lol.

after school, pt was scheduled to start at 4.30.. wah sian that means 4 hrs of rotting you know?..
so we decided to go to play pool outside the "sanctuary room" but so sad it was occupied
therefore we went into the "sanctuary room" to play some board games which can be loan from in there,we played "Risk" followed by UNO attack,
haha i shan't elaborate much, but we must say we had alot of laughters la.. lolx.. and the aircon was shiok.. definitely.. lolx
finally 4.30 liaoz..
so we had PT.. and was kinda slack..
the volleyball player Jc2 are going to malaysia for a friendly with bukit jalil sports school,
that is really shuang la..so envious of them,, lolx..
after training, zhikai and i walked to lot 1... actually he was just accompanying me cause i wanna eat CHAO DA JI PAI, and guess wad we saw, yujuan and chiong yiru, yes i mean CHIONG YIRU.. they both holding hands together with both their hair dyed the same colour,
zhikai and i was at a moment unable to believe our eyes.. lol..
alright i am too stunned to comment further.. but we definitely never see rong..
2 pairs of eyes can't go wrong can it?.. seriously.. ah chiong you surprises us all the time..
raymond should be feeling sad.. XP hopes he doesn't read this..
alright i am finally adding up more pictures already, hahaz so long~~~ hear from me next time..CYA!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008
/// 8:25 PM

lectures finally begin..
and it was rather slack on the first day, right after assembly at 8 was a simple talk.. then followed by a long break until 10.30.. very very slack sia..
had to go purchase our own lecture notes.. aww.. i am starting to feel rather fortunate when i was in sec school, but now.. haiz.. people studying in sec school now.. seriously CHERISH YOUR NOTES.... they are precious you know?..
the four of us zk , zk, tf and me made it through the trials in pj.. including the edwin lau ban niang too..
today morning we had pe... and it was rather terrible i guess.. having to run under the slight drizzle for very long distance... i suppose it is like a little more than 2.4 km.. i almost like died halfway...
can't help it.., it has been a long time since i last had any pt or wadeva la..
anyway i wasn't really used to having massive lectures in lecture theatre, but i kinda feel it was much more effective as a place to listen to the teacher cause you know why?..

the stupidmini table that you pull out from behind the chair is really uncomfortable for anybody to sleep.. lol.
therefore.. it is quite conducive for somebody who always sleeps in class to pay attention in lectures.. at least for now..

because i have alot of free time in the college and breaks in between, i had currently created many nicknames for alot of people in the college who i dun even know... or not even close with.
haha these nicknames cannot be disclosed .. so sorry hahaz so as not to hurt anyone's feeling during the process and also a way for us to refer to somebody without knowing..
hahahz XP

alright i know i sound bad. muahahahahaaz..

after hearing the talk about project work.. i am kinda excited yet worried about it,
i wish to achieve one A to secure myself.
LOL>. tan de rong yi.. zuo de nan..
oh well..
that's all for today's post.. hahaz.
need to go revise some sec school's work..

till then.. BUAIZZZZZ!!!!!!
( i promise to put some photos up again next time.. )

Sunday, January 06, 2008
/// 3:28 PM

Alright i know it's been a long time since i last posted..
alright now i have the urge to post something agn
and that's right i must of course tell all of you something about my orientation in pj,
3 days of orientation
1st day

early in the day.. couldn't get use to waking up so early once again..
very tired ..
yawning the way to school..
i was in my bp uniform..
haha and i alighted my father's car at the same place... as if i was still going to attend bpghs , lol..
but this time round there was a slight change in the direction of course..
i was kinda nervous.. with a little bit of unwillingness to go school..
i met up with ah sim..
the first time since like 1 to 2 months?
but we chatted abit while we walked slowly to school..
he guided me into the school and introduced all the places to me.. and finally we said bye bye and i went to the hall to assemble...
i was expecting many bp student, but sadly.. very sadly there was none in my sight at first..
kinda regretted choosing this school at first,
but i saw zk, zk and tf..and i think i should just stay on.. and struggle..
the first day was very quiet,
even when the principal came in and greeted us. there was simply no reply .. LOL.. i feel like bursting into laughter but managed to hold it.. lolx... the principal must be very disappointed after much repetition of "good morning school!, good morning school!.. i know you can do better than that." HAHA =PP
following after we sat for some obvious disciplinary talks..
then we proceeded to learning school songs and cheers..
first day was really pathetic la... ppl were seemingly dead.
NOW to second day,
we had some games and i like it very much,
many teamwork and communication games..
and i got REALLY WET in the water games..
and in the war games i kena one water bomb in my face la.. wah then i gulp down the water bomb water.. cause of the crazy force..
UGH>.. the feeling was UGH undescriptable...

we began to get closer together, i mean of course with my og members, og 18 rawks lolx
started to make some friends rather than just staying with zhikai and zuokun and tf..
altho kinda not used to it.. ,
but one should try to have an open mind..., at least try.......
we got our orientation t shirt. and some stuffs..
alright i shall just cut off for the 2nd day., it seems very long and boring for readers of my blog..

3rd day

cca trial,
hahaz bp kinda owned there hahahz vball seems fun again HAHAHAZ. XPP
learn some cheers again
mass dance learning..
during the night everyone went crazy,
and really i meant crazy!!.,
the includes me too..
we danced like mad.. in the parade square.. with the lol disco songs and some interesting dance..
oh yea!.. it was memorable
i guess everyone was so high and shouted like mad..
haha and i finally was able to merge with the guys in my og.. and we really enjoyed ourselves..

even when the orientation ended.. everyone wanted to continue.. and continue.. and CONTINUE.. lolx.. even the principal came to compliment us for our enthusiasm.
lol everyone did not want to leave and we dance till the lights in the school went off...
LOL.. nobody wants to go.. and ogls keep telling us to go home NOW!!!

anyway we still have to end this.. , so everyone (as if they have just taken ecstasy) dance our way back to retrieve our bags and go home.. LOL.. like crazy people..

after leaving the campus,
the ex bpians ( us) decided to return to bp, met mr matthew lim and mr neo and vlee of course.. ha.. orientation for sec school looks REALLY boring,.. but however.. i still truly wish that i was still in those sec 1s.. sigh..

that is the entire story of the wonderful 3day orientation that i had
tmr will be lecture and tutorial time..
it's time to buck up.. and study time is here!..
here are some pictures taken by our ogls .
( i rarely put up pictures k..)

LOL i look like noobz..
alright that's all with my post..
more to come next time..
BYEX! ~~