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Saturday, April 28, 2007
/// 5:21 PM

Very bored today. no choice had to stay home to study...
Skipped combine sku's training =P..
very bad la...

haiz.. i downloading ff8 from the net pc version ... but then it's like taking so long..
3.4 gig lehz.... abit siaoz
have been switching my comp on for like 48 hours le....
gonna bao. still have to wait for 2 more days (estimated time: 48 hrs!.. wade..)

hey i must thanks joanne chan A.k.a chan mali chan for her cookie.. thank you =) but abit gross got your sweat & blood.. XP
oh ya still got the lighter raymond chen gave oh my.. it's so toot.. lol =P

Listen compre yesterday was a total waste of time..
lol.. so damn zzzzz la..
After that went to have a few hours of training.. oh man miss the hall so much ... feels great to play vball again.. =) played match and found it boring =P then played king of the court... so much better .. yanshuang and farah joined in the game... wah ys jing ran serve and the ball touch me and zhikai out.. damn mallllllllluuu hahaz no choice la... seldom train nowadays le ....

chem prac's on monday.... must score... i am aiming a1 for chem...
Cause ah.. i feel that mr matthew lim , my chem teacher really good....
he is great in terms of his attitude towards teaching la...
he really hope for us to score the best...
So i respect him.. and must score well for chem =)

mdm quek is also very good la... mrs chew, mrs poh, mr chin, mrs hoe all good la... lol.. ( later they see this post that i only comment on matthew lim =P)
aiya actually i must say, our class got very fantastic teachers in fact it has the best teachers... all of them really put their hearts and souls in us...
all of them will worry when we scored badly for exams.... some will give tests and tests until we understand the topics.. some will constantly ask for homework to make sure we do it and learn... some will make sure we are able to be sucessful in future....
They really do care...
Thank you.. teachers.. =)

oh yes, the only teacher i hate is christline wong... that's all..
you can ask 4t2.. all of them should reply the same thing...
dun wish to say =)
heex =)

ok work hard yc... 2 more weeks till the end of the exam.....

Monday, April 23, 2007
/// 8:42 PM

Oh man.... the mid year is so close... and i still got so much to study...
zzzzzzzz.... whether i can apply for DSA.. will all rely on this mid year exam liao .... zzzzzz

Oh yes i got something glad to share with you people..
Me tianfong zuokun and zhikai had been selected for the combine skus main 13.
Kinda glad... but also worried... cause there will be another selection during the next few months whereby the jc team will combine with us the secondary sku team to form a main 12...
Aiya, by then i believe many of the ppl would have been kicked out.. including me =(

And something is really terrible!..
how can my birthday land on wednesday!... when i won't be going to sku...
super sad...
May not receive presents from my classmates... Super disappointed..
aiya count myself unlucky la...
but those who wanna give belated one i also won't mind..
Hehe =PX..

i wanna eat my birthday cake!..

alright gotta study~... hope you all will be able to get really really good results and study hard ah.. BYe!

Sunday, April 15, 2007
/// 6:49 PM

So long since i last posted.... time really flies...
finals over..
We lost.. but we did well.... it was memorable indeed...

i really must thank all the supporters and teachers...
really thanks to you all
and the encouragement of my friends...

i must say.. we really aren't going to stop here..
We will move on... fight through more obstacles...
and become the champion...

now let us take a rest..

i remembered zp telling me the national tournament was like a jigsaw puzzle...
We manage to find the jigsaw pieces and join them together...
just that we have one last piece that we just can't find...
zp asked me if we were able to find it and make it complete...

altho the last piece was never to be found....
The picture looks good anyway...
it even seems better without the last piece ...

hope that this beautiful picture... these beautiful memories..
will always stay in our hearts...